3 Things Happy People Consistently Do

Implement these daily habits if you want to create a better life.

Matt Lillywhite
6 min readJun 1, 2020
Photo: Courtney Cook/Unsplash

It’s impossible to be happy.

At least that’s what I used to think. We often dream of living each day with a sense of optimism and fulfilling our potential in every aspect of our lives. But for one reason or another, most of us have no idea how to start.

Right? We think “If I can buy a new phone… go on vacation… or have a million dollars in my checking account, then I’ll finally be happy.” But sooner or later, you realize that none of that will actually help you to create the life you desire.

Without knowing you, I can tell you’re ready to change your life for the better. You want to escape the never-ending cycle of negative thoughts, and begin living each day with a sense of optimism.

Listen, I know how you feel. I’ve found myself in the same position as you many times. But I’ve learned that a lack of happiness is often caused by a desire for things to be different.

So instead of worrying about everything you can’t change, a much better solution is to focus on what you can. In the words of the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius once said:

“You have power over your mind — not outside events…



Matt Lillywhite

Full-time storyteller. Want to talk about writing? I'm offering video calls for people who sign up to my Substack. https://mattlillywhite.substack.com/